Friday, April 23, 2010


Where will you be going when you leave this world? It’s very simple: you will be naturally drawn to those realms on which you focused your desires throughout your life. If your desires were elevated, you will go to realms of light; if they were mean and base on wickedness, you’ll make your way to the dark realm. Your destiny depends on your proper understanding of this no power will be able to stop you from reaching the realm to which your heart aspires – of this you may be absolutely certain.

Some many men and women reject the idea of a life after death, they believe in Heaven and they are not really sure if there is Life in Heaven. Heaven is a spiritual Realm and no physically body there, if there are people who live before us will have given us fact about that. All physical and tangible things are based on the planet earth. People who are not inclined spiritually don’t believe in REINCARNATION or INCARNATION because of this; they indulge in all sorts of dishonest and criminal acts to satisfy their greed! And they think they get by pretty well with their guile and calculations.
The truth is, they’re actually making quite mistaken, and because of their ignorance they are often setting themselves up for terrible suffering in the next world.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

How to set our goals

Goal setting is process that may evoke, at first, some resistance from the emotional part of our being. Setting our own goal is a process of growth and may not be easy. It is advisable to give some time to the process, don’t rush it. It should be remembered that setting a goal is a definite step reaching the goal, and that the creative powers of universe will help bring the goal to us. That is why we must be certain that the goal is exactly what is desired

It is recommended that we set a goal for each of the more important parts of our life. This may vary from individual, but is suggested, as starting point, set goals in the following areas:
     1.    Professional / Career Goals/Mission in This stage of Life:
      These goals relate to growth in your profession or career, and the category also      pertains to goals during the parenthood years of life.

2.      Family/Romance/Life Companion Goals:
     Relate to your romantic and personal life.

3.   Social Goals:
Relate to your friendships, social contacts, social position and status.

4.      Health and Personal Beauty Goals:
Are related to any health improvement plans, diets, and exercise goals.

  1. Financial Goals:
Relate to your present and future financial stability, investments, and savings.

  1. Home/Residence/Transportation Goals:
Are related to acquisition or improvement of the home or car.

  1. Spiritual Goals:
Relate to study, meditation, mission for humanity, and spiritual inclined study goals.
In goal setting, it is useful to visualize the desired final goal as being achieved, and yourself as enjoying the goal just achieved. Then, describe the visual image. Fir example:

Put It in Writing
      Some experts recommend keeping a goal book. Divide a composition book into sections, one for each category of goals. It is recommended that you update your goals frequently, reflecting your personal changes and your growth. Work frequently in revising your personal goals. This is a joint activity between your outer self and your inner self, and you will receive inspiration to direct your life and goals from the powerful internal source.
      Your goal book can include worksheets. In the beginning, it may be better to start using the worksheet on one thing at a time. The worksheet can be used on a daily or weekly basis. First, write your goals for the different categories. Secondly, visualize yourself having accomplished each one of the goals, in turn. Third, plan the actions for the day or week, and decide what will be done and in what order of priority. At the end of the day, evaluate your performance, and take corrective action, if necessary.

      In order to be beneficial, goal setting must be following by action. Action will follow if you keep your goal in mind, close to focus of your attention, and ask yourself:” what can I do today to bring me closer to this goal?”
      Spiritual inclined student will find, as many successful men and women have found already, that goals, once accepted by the inner mind, tend to attract the conditions that brings the goals to manifestation. The fundamental step is to feed the goal to the inner mind, and show the determination of the outer self to work towards the goal.
      Goal setting and planned action are powerful tools that can move you towards success and higher mastership of life. Just reading the theory and understanding it with all great laws and principles; they must be put to use in order to benefit from them. Start setting your goals now! Start actively deciding your future today!



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Start Activity Deciding Your Future Today

Manifesting Productive Future

THE PROCESS OF Goal Settings is recognized by today’s experts as one of the most important steps that a person takes towards success. Of course, success has different people. It is a matter of individual decision. For some, success is the fostering of wealth and ethical goals. Nevertheless, independently of what success means to each individual, goal settings is a key process that aligns the resources of the objectives and subjective aspects of mind towards the spiritual principals gives an individual a comprehension not only of the ultimate value and purpose in his own life, which, if in accord with the universal purpose, establishes a closer tie with the creative force of the universe as a whole.
Such a concept will contribute to the totality of individual health and well-being. A philosophy life which gives a value to stand on and a purpose to work toward is sometimes far more important than the immediate physical condition which will find our selves.
The understanding of self, of the peace of self, and the relationship of self to the rest of creation is the foundation upon which not only health is established, but it also the foundation upon is also the foundation for all activities of the individual, social and otherwise.
Desired goal. The central idea in goal setting is that success can be an achieved by actively deciding what is desired in the future into manifestation. The concept bears resemblance to what a spiritually inclined student know as the principles of Visualization and Mental Creation. In fact, the processes of goal setting and the designing of an action plan can be greatly enhanced when the principles of visualization are added.
It is apparent that most people do not activity decide their future. They see themselves as living defensively, trying to avoid and defend themselves against the negative consequences of external circumstances beyond control.
These individuals have been brought up to believe that their lives and future are decided are decided by external factors such as other people, bad luck, black magicians, extraterrestrials, the system, the boss, or even the devil. The truth is that people with this view of life are sometimes to busy living defensively and blaming the imaginary “ to take a hard look at themselves and through goal settings and planned activity, start deciding their own future and living a happier life.
For analogy let us consider two ships out on the high seas. One of the captains has been given the limited goal of keeping the ship afloat, avoiding storms, and avoiding collision with icebergs, rocks, and islands. The other captain is given the goal of reaching safely a faraway port. It is obvious that the first ship may succeed in staying afloat, but may not go anywhere worthwhile. It has no destination. The second ship will probably experience no more difficulties than the first and very likely make it to the port, safely, and in a short time will be ready for even better goal-more exciting ports.

In the analogy, the ship is our own life. The captain is the subconscious side of our mind. We set the goal. We can decide to pint this wonderful, creative power within us towards a worthwhile goal, towards an ever-expanding horizon, towards happiness and growth. Or we can waste this power by directing it at all. It is upon to us

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The part of true knowledge is the path that all true seekers of light should take. This is the part of the living words which would always bring about INSPIRATION. Inspiration could be considered as light itself. The basic is the true knowledge of SELF, its relationship to all else and its realization and attainment of its highest nature. It is the most rewarding one, it enlightens strengthens, protect and encourages steadfastness and steady sustainable progress. It truly empowers all true seekers. Despite the bountiful rewards very few consciously thread it at any point in time. This is a sad situation for humanity at this point as we are well all shortchanged of the empowerment it confers and the ease with which our collective progress would have been pursed.

we seekers of the living words have chosen the mystical path and must continue to explore all the ways for maximizing the benefits of our choice.
We are constantly working on ourselves to reach for greater heights of illumination, empowering ourselves with knowledge, Imagination and Intelligent action.

It will benefit the larger humanity for others persons to do the same for which we offer some insights addressing it along the following lines:

The nature of empowerment
The three fundamental truths of our reality
The framework of knowing
The nature and purpose and benefits of imaginations
Some fundamental orientations for stable and progressively coping with the
challenges of empowerment.


Power is the capacity and ability to make things happen. Humans believe that God made man in His image and likeness and thus within us by virtue of our assumption by God is the power of God. When this power within is brought into use in our daily living w talk of empowerment. Empowerment is about accepting and deploying our ability to create and experience our creation. As we think so we are and attract to ourselves the people, events and circumstances that provide us the greatest opportunity for experiencing our desires and thoughts.

We knows that 3 fundamentally truths are sincerely and rationally irrefutable thus.
That God, the Creator exists
That Man, the Created exists 
That a definite relationship exists between God, the Creator and Man the Created

The quality of the third reality is dependent of the validity of our knowledge and understanding of the nature and purpose of God and Man. It is in this third reality that humans experience the greatest difficulties of agreement and a unified basis for progressive coexistence. Some persons formulate and live this relationship based on belief without the benefit of experience and intelligent reasoning. Some other base their on experience but with unintelligent and illogical reasoning. It is more empowering to base it on knowledge through experience, intelligence and logical reasoning:


To illuminate is to bring light and understanding to bear on an existence; a thing, an object or a concept. The process for achieving this is consistent and hard work on ourselves to unfold five fundamental levels phases of illumination as follows: Awareness which is perception through our objective faculties and or inner sense; Belief which is the unproven conclusion (logical or illogical) conviction about the nature or reality. It is usually a product of thinking and reasoning; Knowledge of what which is the product of experience and verification or proof; Understanding which is coming to irrefutable terms with the why and how of a particular reality and Wisdom which is product of extending understanding of reality holistically. This wisdom when put into use gives us tremendous power of influence in guiding the affairs of humanity.
          Living our lives on belief alone is not really EMPOWERING as it may bring us face to face with unintended consequences of illogical and ignorant actions. It is best to know through experience and understanding.


Imagination is the process of mentally and emotionally giving form and life to an entity or concept. It calls on our ability to form images of our desired outcome and vitalize them with life.

Its purpose is to enable us pre-play and replay. In pre-playing we create our future and connect it to our present; in replaying we recall and understand our past that led to our present.

Its benefits include the understanding of our past present and the energy to grow, develop and evolve to grandest experience of the good life that is sustainable.


We must bring our imaginations to reality to reinforce our empowerment. This requires taking steps to find the people, places and other resources needed for the objective realization of our imagination. If for example, you want to be a successful Manager Director or Chief Executive, you not only imagine yourself as one but take practical steps to actualize your desire. To imagine and not take further steps is not only not fruitful but to burden your heart, mind and soul with dissatisfaction.

Feeling of gratitude means to take nothing for granted, but to always seek out and value the kind that will stand behind the action.  
To every action that takes place towards man, he needs to appreciate by showing gratitude and its always in feeling, an appreciating mood. Always arrange yourself for gratitude. Its show you believed and feeling what you have in your imagination has been done and thanking GOD for them in ADVANCE.

Friday, April 16, 2010

The Mind of Discerning

THERE ARE MANY subjects of special interest to wise and inclined students on the part to Happiness Wealth and Health , and the more versatile we become in our reading, and especially in our thinking, the broader will be our view of perspective of life. As a people who aspire for greatness, our thought should have a universal perspective of life rather than a narrow circumscribed one, which is often found in the majority of people.

This is all-encompassing search for knowledge is very important to the thinking mind. Self, the inner spiritual part of each of us, expresses its nature through perfectly mundane avenues of mental and physical behavior, and the more we develop the brain and mental aspects of consciousness, the greater the field for the expression of self.

For many, self is a prisoner within, with few or no avenues developed and trained to express the Master Within. This inner self is always seeking to guide and direct us. It is ever present like a still small voice urging us to follow its advice. This guiding influence will speak out strongly and firmly upon all the issues of life once we allow it to influence our thinking and as we seek its counsel in times of need.

We need not experience the darkness of despair-not knowing which way to turn, or who is a friend or foe-if we will listen to the voice of self with its subtle  influence and ever-wise guidance, which comes from the higher reaches of consciousness enlightened by the wisdom of the soul. Every day should be a day for experiencing the realization of the higher spiritual forces which are present within us.

The student of mysticism must also be very national and not accept the views and opinions of others merely because they have the ring of truth. There is much in spiritual literature which is often misleading. Mystical truth cannot be imparted to another. We must seek and then find it for ourselves. Such truth comes only from within, not without. Therefore, what we read and hear in mystical literature must be viewed with great discernment, and by contemplating it, the truth will be revealed from the innermost part of our own mind, and we will have the assurance and conviction of own beliefs.

Importance of Study and Mediation
In mystical literature, study and meditation are of prime importance to the understanding of higher values. The experiences of life teach us to look at all things wisely and well, and not to be misled by deceptive influences. So much in mystical literature is accepted on face value and in some particular cases the more irrational the claims, the more readily they are accepted. However, serious students soon learn that by looking with a critical eye at such claims, they can rely upon the judgment of the higher self which alone can rightly judge.

To the mystical students, the value of wide discursive reading cannot be underestimated. Nothing will broaden our outlook on life or give us a grater perspective of the world we live in than wide reading in the sciences, philosophies, and academic literature of the world. The mystical life is a voyage of self-discovery in which books of great value can advance and broaden our outlook into a mature vision of the world and create the vehicle for the grater expression of self.

“There is nothing as charming as the knowledge of literature which enable us to discover the infinity of things, the immensity of Nature, the heavens, the earth, and the seas. It is this that has rescued the soul from obscurity. To see all things above and below, first and last, and between both all that which furnishes us wherewith to live well and happily, and guides us to pass our lives without displeasure and without offence.” -Cicero