Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Start Activity Deciding Your Future Today

Manifesting Productive Future

THE PROCESS OF Goal Settings is recognized by today’s experts as one of the most important steps that a person takes towards success. Of course, success has different people. It is a matter of individual decision. For some, success is the fostering of wealth and ethical goals. Nevertheless, independently of what success means to each individual, goal settings is a key process that aligns the resources of the objectives and subjective aspects of mind towards the spiritual principals gives an individual a comprehension not only of the ultimate value and purpose in his own life, which, if in accord with the universal purpose, establishes a closer tie with the creative force of the universe as a whole.
Such a concept will contribute to the totality of individual health and well-being. A philosophy life which gives a value to stand on and a purpose to work toward is sometimes far more important than the immediate physical condition which will find our selves.
The understanding of self, of the peace of self, and the relationship of self to the rest of creation is the foundation upon which not only health is established, but it also the foundation upon is also the foundation for all activities of the individual, social and otherwise.
Desired goal. The central idea in goal setting is that success can be an achieved by actively deciding what is desired in the future into manifestation. The concept bears resemblance to what a spiritually inclined student know as the principles of Visualization and Mental Creation. In fact, the processes of goal setting and the designing of an action plan can be greatly enhanced when the principles of visualization are added.
It is apparent that most people do not activity decide their future. They see themselves as living defensively, trying to avoid and defend themselves against the negative consequences of external circumstances beyond control.
These individuals have been brought up to believe that their lives and future are decided are decided by external factors such as other people, bad luck, black magicians, extraterrestrials, the system, the boss, or even the devil. The truth is that people with this view of life are sometimes to busy living defensively and blaming the imaginary “ to take a hard look at themselves and through goal settings and planned activity, start deciding their own future and living a happier life.
For analogy let us consider two ships out on the high seas. One of the captains has been given the limited goal of keeping the ship afloat, avoiding storms, and avoiding collision with icebergs, rocks, and islands. The other captain is given the goal of reaching safely a faraway port. It is obvious that the first ship may succeed in staying afloat, but may not go anywhere worthwhile. It has no destination. The second ship will probably experience no more difficulties than the first and very likely make it to the port, safely, and in a short time will be ready for even better goal-more exciting ports.

In the analogy, the ship is our own life. The captain is the subconscious side of our mind. We set the goal. We can decide to pint this wonderful, creative power within us towards a worthwhile goal, towards an ever-expanding horizon, towards happiness and growth. Or we can waste this power by directing it at all. It is upon to us

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