Thursday, April 22, 2010

How to set our goals

Goal setting is process that may evoke, at first, some resistance from the emotional part of our being. Setting our own goal is a process of growth and may not be easy. It is advisable to give some time to the process, don’t rush it. It should be remembered that setting a goal is a definite step reaching the goal, and that the creative powers of universe will help bring the goal to us. That is why we must be certain that the goal is exactly what is desired

It is recommended that we set a goal for each of the more important parts of our life. This may vary from individual, but is suggested, as starting point, set goals in the following areas:
     1.    Professional / Career Goals/Mission in This stage of Life:
      These goals relate to growth in your profession or career, and the category also      pertains to goals during the parenthood years of life.

2.      Family/Romance/Life Companion Goals:
     Relate to your romantic and personal life.

3.   Social Goals:
Relate to your friendships, social contacts, social position and status.

4.      Health and Personal Beauty Goals:
Are related to any health improvement plans, diets, and exercise goals.

  1. Financial Goals:
Relate to your present and future financial stability, investments, and savings.

  1. Home/Residence/Transportation Goals:
Are related to acquisition or improvement of the home or car.

  1. Spiritual Goals:
Relate to study, meditation, mission for humanity, and spiritual inclined study goals.
In goal setting, it is useful to visualize the desired final goal as being achieved, and yourself as enjoying the goal just achieved. Then, describe the visual image. Fir example:

Put It in Writing
      Some experts recommend keeping a goal book. Divide a composition book into sections, one for each category of goals. It is recommended that you update your goals frequently, reflecting your personal changes and your growth. Work frequently in revising your personal goals. This is a joint activity between your outer self and your inner self, and you will receive inspiration to direct your life and goals from the powerful internal source.
      Your goal book can include worksheets. In the beginning, it may be better to start using the worksheet on one thing at a time. The worksheet can be used on a daily or weekly basis. First, write your goals for the different categories. Secondly, visualize yourself having accomplished each one of the goals, in turn. Third, plan the actions for the day or week, and decide what will be done and in what order of priority. At the end of the day, evaluate your performance, and take corrective action, if necessary.

      In order to be beneficial, goal setting must be following by action. Action will follow if you keep your goal in mind, close to focus of your attention, and ask yourself:” what can I do today to bring me closer to this goal?”
      Spiritual inclined student will find, as many successful men and women have found already, that goals, once accepted by the inner mind, tend to attract the conditions that brings the goals to manifestation. The fundamental step is to feed the goal to the inner mind, and show the determination of the outer self to work towards the goal.
      Goal setting and planned action are powerful tools that can move you towards success and higher mastership of life. Just reading the theory and understanding it with all great laws and principles; they must be put to use in order to benefit from them. Start setting your goals now! Start actively deciding your future today!



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